If your older home has an outdated electrical system, you may require a panel upgrade. This is especially true if you're experiencing recurring issues with your electrical panel or if you're planning to install new appliances or expand the number of devices in your home.

Common Electrical Panel Problems:

If you're facing recurring electrical problems, contact our experts immediately for assistance. We'll inspect your system for circuit or wiring issues. Look out for these common signs of trouble in your electrical panel:

Frequently tripped circuit breakers: If your circuit breakers trip frequently, it could indicate an underlying problem in your electrical system that needs immediate attention.
Hot circuit breakers: Circuit breakers should feel warm but not hot to the touch. Hot circuit breakers accompanied by crackling or buzzing noises may be caused by loose connections or a damaged bus bar.
Flickering or dimming lights: If your lights flicker or dim when a large appliance starts running or when your AC cycles on and off, there may be a wiring problem that requires an electrical upgrade.

Installing a New Appliance? Consider an Electrical Panel Upgrade

Older homes often have electrical panels with a minimum amperage of 100amps. Typically, 100 or 150 amps are sufficient for powering appliances and devices in most residential properties.

However, if you're planning to install heavy-duty appliances like tankless water heaters or electric vehicle charging stations, you'll need to upgrade your electrical panel to increase the available amperage. Additionally, adding new rooms to your home may also warrant an electrical panel upgrade.

At Powers Electrical Solutions, our experts will address your specific concerns and provide the best solution for your home and house hold needs. Contact us today for a consultation.